This is a post I've been struggling with. I've read hundreds of articles, I've signed on to march for women's rights (more on that later,) and in my kitchen you will find posterboard, markers, and wood to make protest signs. I'm all in as far as the cause is concerned, but I don't want this to come across as partisan. Because I believe the problem does not exist in the GOP alone. People from both parties are pointing fingers at one another in an attempt to prove who, exactly, is waging this War on Women. Do I believe this war exists? Yes, absolutely. So who's fault is it, then? It's everyone's fault. Republican, Democrat, men, women themselves even.
Women are not an interest group. We are not to be pitted against each other in a pathetic power struggle. We are not pawns in a political game. We are, however, 52 percent of the population, and we are the gender that votes the most often and with the most consistency. Just a little something to remember, come November.
The following is MY PERSONAL OPINION. You may not agree, but this is where I, Sarah, stand, and it is perfectly within your right to agree or disagree.
1. I don't think it's anyone's business what goes on below the belt. I love that women have access to clean, safe, healthcare. But that's starting to get taken away from us, little by little. Not many women today are aware of what women did to terminate pregnancies on their own before they had access to that clean, safe healthcare. I don't think anyone besides the woman, alongside her partner, her doctor, and when/where applicable, her God should make reproductive decisions on her behalf. I have many friends of varying religions, and frankly, I don't WANT to know their status with birth control, or whether or not they would choose abortion. You believe in having as many kids as God wants you to have? Terrific! You want none at all? Cool beans! You fall somewhere in the middle and rely on birth control to help you plan your family? Kudos! It's none of my business, and it's certainly not that of the government. I hope everyone feels they have the right to exercise these options soon.
2. Women shouldn't still only make (on average) 77 cents on the dollar of what a man makes doing the same work. Equal pay for equal work. That's not really a difficult concept.
3. We shouldn't be pitted against each other. Deciding who works harder, a stay at home mom of 5 or a working mother, is one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard. In my opinion, this was clearly an attempt to pit women against each other and this is never acceptable. Women are great. We all work hard, no matter what the circumstance. And the men who stand beside them are pretty great, also.
4. 31 senators voted AGAINST the Violence Against Women Act. 31! Why does this even need to be debated? Do you not have wives, sisters, daughters, mothers, an aunt? Do you not want them protected? I can't even begin to wrap my head around this.
This is why I, Sarah, am marching. I believe in these things. I believe in equality for all human beings. I don't like feeling like my rights are allowed to be stripped away simply because I possess a uterus. It does not make me inferior, or incapable of making my own decisions. And I will fight anyone who stands in the way of my rights, even if I have to hitchhike all the way to DC.
Tomorrow, thousands of people will be marching against the War on Women. I hope some of you will consider finding a march in your area, too. If you're unfamiliar with this march, read more in the press release below:
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) April 19, 2012
On Saturday, April 28, 2012, in 54 cities and Capitols across America, a
new and growing movement will march and rally to Unite Against the War
on Women. Los Angeles will host its Rally from 10:00 a.m to 3:30 p.m.
at Pershing Square in Downtown Los Angeles (located at 5th and Olive
Streets). The Rally program will include speakers, entertainment and a
march in the streets surrounding Pershing Square. Speakers presently scheduled include: Jerry Tetalman, Democratic Congressional candidate running against Darrell Issa, Jan Perry, Los Angeles City Councilperson and candidate for Mayor, Sarah Silverman, comedian and actress, Caroline Heldman, Professor from Occidental College, Dinah Stephens of Planned Parenthood, Blase Bonpane, Director of the Office of the Americas and human rights activist, Sophia Rossi and Molly McAleer, founders of Hellogiggles website, DuVergne Gaines of the Feminist Majority Foundation, Zoe Nicholson, founder of Pacific Shores OC Now Chapter, and MC and comedian, J.C. Coccoli.
The organizers are calling on Americans to join together and denounce what they call the “ongoing legislative and political attacks on women from the extreme right, while honoring the diversity and continued fight for the freedom of women to choose their own destinies.” March and Rally organizers cite legislative proposals, government regulations, and political rhetoric, as evidence that “war” is being waged against women and “our bodies, rights and freedom.” cites as an example legislation recently introduced in Arizona which would make the use of birth control without employer permission an offense for which a worker could be terminated. While birth control expenses are covered in 28 states by law by health insurance plans, Viagra is covered in all 50. Rape victims must undergo vaginal probing before seeking an abortion in TX and PA and last year, Topeka, Kansas decriminalized domestic violence. Currently over 400 similar bills are being considered federally and within states including the current debate on the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (S. 1925) in the U.S. Senate.
Sherry Lear and Nanette Harrison, co-chairs of the Los Angeles rally state: “We are really excited about this event. We have an impressive list of speakers along with a number of surprises planned for our guests. The event will be tabled by several different organizations who will provide literature, along with voter registration and information on how to get involved in women’s issues.”
Unite Women is a non-partisan organization of women and men who have joined together to push back, stand up, and declare: “Enough is Enough.” The April 28th actions have been endorsed nationally by the National Organization for Women (NOW), 9to5: National Association of Working Women, Catholics for Choice, Religious Coaltion for Reproductive Choice, Code Pink Women for Peace, Feminist Peace Network, National League of Latin American Citizens (NLLAC, and its California Affiliate, CALLAC), Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW), Ihollaback, Center for Inquirty and Coffee Party USA. The Los Angeles event is supported locally by Planned Parenthood, the California Nurses Association, Slutwalk LA, EQCA, several local NOW Chapters and the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center.
People who would like to volunteer to assist with organizing the Los Angeles event and its logistics, or organizations (and individuals) who want to endorse the rally may contact the Rally Co-Chairs, Nanette Harrison at (323) 376-9871 or nbarrutiaharrison(at)yahoo(dot)com, or Sherry Lear at (310) 303-7950 or learlaw(at)earthlink(dot)net. The Facebook Organizing Page for California (both Los Angeles and Sacramento Events) is
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